Monday, 23 June 2014

Light The Dark Concept Work

Recently I scored an internship at Dreamgate Studios (located in Canberra), making a content pack with a bunch of other interns for their game Light In The Dark. The internship takes over from my AIE course, so I (and the other interns) still have to fulfill all of the requirements from the course. 

It's been my first time working predominantly in 2D, which is kinda scary, but I feel I'm starting to pick up the art style, but it could be closer to their art style by lowering the frequency of what I've got, as there's a lot of extra noise that doesn't quite fit in with the detail level of their game.

Apart from that, plotting out the content pack [in terms of art direction and game mechanics], and learning Unity's texture 2D system has been kinda fun, as well as learning to work with programmers in a more professional capacity. Learning limitations of the engine and Unity's 2D system, and when and what people can actually do (especially myself) will be interesting in the following weeks.

Here are some of the concepts for our 'Ice' environment:

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